The Panel

Cybersecurity has established itself as an area of extreme importance in our era of rapid digital transformations. As technology evolves, the challenges related to data protection, networks, and systems increase exponentially. In this scenario, women have been playing a fundamental role, bringing unique perspectives and exceptional skills to the cybersecurity arena. However, women still have low representation in the area. In this context, we invite you to participate in the WISE panel – Brazilian Women in Cybersecurity, which, for this second edition, brings the challenges of motherhood in the field of cybersecurity as its central theme.



Ana Cerqueira (Pentera / LATAM Women in Cybersecurity)

Ana Cerqueira é Diretora Regional de Vendas para o Sul da América Latina na Pentera e Presidente da Womcy Brasil, onde lidera iniciativas estratégicas para impulsionar a cibersegurança na região. Com mais de 20 anos de experiência em empresas multinacionais, Ana se destaca pela sua expertise em estratégias de vendas dinâmicas e inovação, especialmente nos últimos 7 anos focados em cibersegurança. Formada em Administração de Negócios pela Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, possui especialização em Gestão de Marketing e MBA em Liderança e Gestão de Pessoas pelo Rollins College/FL. Ao longo de sua carreira, ocupou posições de destaque em empresas como Imperva, Nutanix e Citrix, consolidando-se como uma líder reconhecida em sua área.


Marilia Curado (Universidade de Coimbra)

Marilia Curado é Professora Titular no Departamento de Engenharia Informática (DEI) da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, onde obteve o doutorado em Engenharia Informática em 2005. Atualmente, é Diretora do Laboratório de Informática e Sistemas do Instituto Pedro Nunes. Seus interesses de pesquisa incluem  alocação e gestão de recursos em redes de computadores, resiliência e eficiência energética em redes além do 5G, e Internet das Coisas. Ela é membro do Conselho Editorial dos periódicos Elsevier Computer Networks, Computer Communications, e Internet of Things, e tem estado envolvida na organização científica e coordenação de diversas conferências internacionais. Ela também tem participado de diversos projetos nacionais e internacionais.


Michelle Silva Wangham (Universidade do Vale do Itajaí / Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa)

Michelle Wangham é mãe de duas adolescentes, a Luiza e a Sofia, é Gerente de P&D em cibersegurança na Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) e professora da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). Possui mestrado e doutorado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) e, em 2015/2016, foi pesquisadora visitante na University of Ottawa no Canadá. Atualmente é Diretora de Inovação da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC) e coordenadora acadêmica do Serviço para Experimentação em Gestão de Identidade (GIdLab) da RNP.


Thaís Vasconcelos Batista (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / Sociedade Brasileira de Computação)

Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC) desde agosto de 2023, e associada desde 1991. Professora Titular da UFRN, com atuação desde 1996, e experiência como Coordenadora do PPgSC (2006-2010). Foi Vice-Presidente da SBC (2015-2019) e membro do Comitê da Área de Computação da CAPES (2008-2014). Graduada em Ciência da Computação pela UFPB, com mestrado e doutorado em Informática pela PUC-Rio, realizou pós-doutorado e estágio sênior na Universidade de Lancaster, UK. Coordena o Programa de Residência em TI da UFRN com a JFRN desde 2017 e participa do projeto SmartMetropolis. Possui expertise em Arquitetura de Software e Sistemas Distribuídos, com foco em Computação em Nuvem, IoT e Segurança, e orientou 16 teses de doutorado e 35 dissertações de mestrado até setembro de 2023.

Parenthood in Cybersecurity: Reflections on the Woman’s Journey

In this second edition of the WISE meeting, we will explore various aspects related to the impact of parenthood, focusing on women’s professional trajectory, as well as the challenges they face in the workplace. The growing advancement of interconnectivity between devices and systems requires rapid evolution and adaptation of strategies to deal with emerging cyber threats. Female leader professionals in cybersecurity will present their main technical contributions in this new information age, aiming to raise public awareness about the risks and necessary precautions to protect themselves. In this scenario, professionals must always be prepared and up-to-date to combat threats efficiently. It is understood that there is no time for pauses, generating a demand for continuous updating. This demand, coupled with the lack of a welcoming professional environment and flexible working hours, can influence significant personal decisions, such as motherhood. We will discuss how to make this type of decision consciously and how to balance professional life with family life.


The Role of Women in Cybersecurity

Women have been playing a vital role in defending against cyber attacks. However, female representation in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), particularly cybersecurity, is still disproportionately low. We will address the challenges faced by women in the field of cybersecurity and explore ways to encourage and empower more women to enter this dynamic and crucial area. A crucial element for changing the current landscape is to provide greater visibility to female leader professionals in the field of cybersecurity to serve as inspiration for young female professionals and students.


Diversity and Inclusion: Driving Innovation in Cybersecurity

The diversity of perspectives is a driving factor for innovation. Teams that integrate diversity of all kinds generate more creative, innovative, and robust solutions, increasing the ability to address a variety of cyber threats effectively. We will discuss how the inclusion of different voices, considering those of women, can build solutions for various current and future cyber challenges more effectively.


WISE: Connecting and Empowering Women in Cybersecurity

WISE is an initiative created to promote sharing experiences, inspiring stories, and valuable insights and create meaningful connections. We invite you to join us to listen to female leader speakers in the field of cybersecurity, learn from their experiences, and be part of a network dedicated to boosting women’s participation in cybersecurity.


Join Us!

Now is the time to be part of this crucial conversation about the role of women in cyber security and the importance of not compromising parenthood in favor of professional success. Take some time to connect, learn, and contribute to a more resilient and inclusive cyber future. Check the schedule for the date and time of the panel.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who can participate in the WISE panel?

The WISE panel is open to anyone interested in cybersecurity, parenting, and gender diversity.

Is the event free?

The event is part of the Brazilian Symposium on Information Security and Computer Systems (SBSeg) 2024 program, promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). Thus, to participate in person, it is necessary to be registered for the event. The event will also be broadcast on YouTube on the Special Commission of Information Security and Computer Systems (CESeg) channel. The direct link for the broadcast will be available soon.

How can I register for in-person participation?

To register, visit the event link: https://sbseg2024.unipampa.edu.br/ .

Will there be networking opportunities?

Yes, the event will provide several networking opportunities for participants to connect with each other and with the speakers.

Will the event be recorded?

Yes, the event will be recorded on the YouTube channel of the Special Commission of Information Security and Computational Systems (CESeg) so that those who cannot participate live can still benefit from the discussions and insights shared. The link to the YouTube channel is:https://youtube.com/live/my2JKz5eKtc?feature=share