XIV Digital Identity Management Workshop (WGID)


Identity management (IdM) or Identity and Access Management (IAM) are necessary for federated services, cloud services, and even distributed technologies such as blockchain. IdM is an integrated system of policies, processes, and technologies allowing organizations to process and manipulate the identities of their users and their devices in authentication, authorization, accounting, and auditing procedures.

IdM and IAM are relevant research topics that continue to receive attention from service providers. For example, providers should ensure the protection of the resources they offer and their users’ privacy. Research and practices in identity management must consider often conflicting points, such as ease of use, robust authentication mechanisms, user privacy and anonymity, security, single sign-on and continuous authentication, scalability, fine-grained access control, interoperability, and total cost of ownership.

The XIV Digital Identity Management Workshop (WGID) aims to be a forum to bring together researchers and those interested in the area for discussions and technical presentations of work around the state-of-the-art methods and technologies related to identity management. Furthermore, the presentation of ideas and work in progress is very welcome, as well as the sharing of practical experiences, whether positive or negative.

The event companion proceedings will be published as open-access in SBC OpenLib (SOL) at https://sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/sbseg_estendido.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for submitting abstracts and short lecture proposals: July 05, 2024
  • Announcement of results: August 08, 2024
  • Camera Ready: August 16, 2024
  • WGID Date: September 19th, 2024
Topics of Interest
  • Federated mobile access and mobile certification
  • Legal, ethical, and socio-economic aspects of the use of Digital Identities
  • Audit
  • Authentication (multi-factor, SSO, devices, services and applications, etc.)
  • Digital certification
  • Digital identity lifecycle/lifespan
  • Access control
  • Application development using A&A infrastructure provided by federations
  • Scalability in IdM/IAM systems
  • Academic network federations
  • Tools for management and monitoring of federations
  • Trust management
  • Attribute Management
  • Identity management (federated, user-centric)
  • Identity Management and Cloud Computing
  • Identity Management and Electronic Government
  • Identity Management and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Decentralized Digital Identity
  • Interoperability between IdM/IAM systems
  • Cryptographic methods for IdM/IAM
  • Level of Assurance in IdM/IAM
  • Personal Data Protection and IdM/IAM
  • Privacy, anonymity, and pseudonyms in IdM/IAM systems
  • Authentication and authorization protocols
  • Social Networks and IdM/IAM systems
  • Fraud and identity theft prevention techniques
  • Usability in IdM/IAM technologies
Instructions to Authors

In this edition of the XIV WGID, contributions will be accepted in two categories:

  • Extended abstracts (up to 4 pages): An abstract describing research challenges arising from practical problems, success/failure cases reporting benefits/obstacles and lessons learned, practical studies with empirical evidence, reporting the use of innovative methods, techniques, and tools or vision of the future (technological and scientific) related to identity management.
  • Short lectures (20 minutes): A proposal with up to two pages presenting the lecture proposal that could be on current theoretical or practical subjects linked to identity management (see topics of interest).

Abstracts can be written in Portuguese or English; their formatting must follow the SBC model for publishing articles available on the SBC portal (only the summary or abstract is required). Submission of articles will be done exclusively in PDF format, through the SBC JEMS system:


Program committee members will evaluate submitted contributions, and selected ones will be presented on WGID. Accepted abstracts will not be published in the SBSeg proceedings but will be published on the event page.

Dear authors, special attention is requested regarding the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence; check the new SBC Code of Conduct (https://sol.sbc.org.br/index.php/indice/conduta), especially regarding the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI).

This edition of SBSeg/WGID will be in person (presential). Accepted lectures must be presented live by the author in a session lasting up to 20 minutes.

Program Committee

Andrey Brito    UFCG

Antonio Tadeu Gomes    LNCC

Carlos da Silva    Sheffield Hallam University

Carlos Ferraz    UFPE

Charles Miers    UDESC

Clayton da Silva    RNP

Debora Muchaluat-Saade    UFF

Diego Kreutz    UNIPAMPA e Monash University

Divanilson Campelo    UFPE

Edelberto Franco Silva    UFJF

Eduardo Feitosa    UFAM

Eduardo Souto    UFAM

Emerson Ribeiro de Mello    IFSC

Ioram Sette    CESAR

Jean Martina    UFSC

João Gondim    UnB

Marco Rojas    IFC

Marco Aurelio Amaral Henriques    FEEC – Unicamp

Mehran Misaghi    IFC

Michelle Wangham    Univali

Rafael Obelheiro    UDESC

Ricardo Custódio    UFSC

Rodrigo Mansilha    UNIPAMPA


Coordination of the XIV WGID

  • Charles Christian Miers (UDESC)
  • Edelberto Franco Silva (UFJF)

General Coordination of SBSeg 2024

  • Lourenço Alves Pereira Júnior (ITA)
  • Diego Luis Kreutz (UNIPAMPA)

CESeg Coordination

  • Igor Moraes (UFF)
  • Marcos Antonio Simplicio Junior (USP)